Thursday, January 19, 2012

Deadliest warrior....?

seeing as season 3 will be coming on soon, i felt like making a list of match-ups i would like to see. what do you think? and what match-ups would you like to see?

Union soldiers v.s British red coats

The Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen) v.s Billy Bishop (the kid that couldn't miss)

USAF (using p51 mustang) v.s RAF (using spit fires)

Old Texas Rangers v.s WW1 British or German soldiers

British Football (soccer) Hooligans v.s American Football Fans

Bloods v.s Hells Angels

Hernan Cortes v.s Crazy Horse or Geronimo

an American prison gang v.s British prison gang

F.B.I v.s RCMPDeadliest warrior....?
I'd like to see:

Army Rangers vs French Foreign Legion
Babyface Nelson vs. Clyde Barrow
Hercules vs. Thor
Pablo Escobar vs. Machine Gun Kelly
(to satisfy net nerds everywhere)
Link (from Legend of Zelda) vs Cloud (From Final Fantasy)
Modern Militia vs. American Patriots

Rugby vs. American Football players, no contest NFL guys would dominate Rugby players.
Edit 2:
A Rugby guy would shyt himself if he was staring down a four hundred pound linebacker, he'd be begging for pads.
Id like to see

British Beef Eaters Vs Swiss Guard(Papal guard)

Cossak Vs Cuirassier

Gurhkas Vs French Legion Para

And then The return of the Spetznaz Vs Navy Seal

Where the Spetznaz will own!

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Deadliest warrior....?
Red Coats
Red Baron
WW1 Soldiers
Soccer Hooligans (no question)
Hell's Angels
American Prison Gang
FBIDeadliest warrior....?
I would LOVE to see

rugby players VS american football players


american football player: " dont hit me yet, let me put my pads on first"
1800's Texas Rangers vs. WWI Germany

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